Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Do you really want to know KFC’s secret recipe?

Kentucky Fried CrueltyA new web video that exposes KFC’s cruel treatment of animals in their factory farm house is now downloadable through the internet (Play Video below article). What would Colonel Sanders say?

Kentucky Fried Chicken or Kentucky Fried Cruelty? We’ve all heard rumors about how our fast food gets prepared; we’ve heard about the Wendy’s customer that had a human thumb in his shake and the bionic chickens that came from… Well, that was KFC too. But this one takes the cake, because this new expose is backed by a well-known actress Pamela Andersen.

How I found the video. This is a great example of shrewd internet advertising. I was browsing through an ad website, when I saw a link in the side panel of the page. It showed Pamela Andersen with her bosom censored, which had a message overlay: want to see my new video? (Yes, it was very enticing). I clicked the link and to my surprise, it was a link to her official petition against KFC –which, although less interesting was also worth my time.

The petition exposes animal cruelty in the KFC slaughter house located in Moorefield, West Virginia. In the video, the chickens are so crippled that they can’t even walk. They are forced into tanks of scalding hot water where they are completely conscious –hence, they feel a tremendous amount of pain.

The petition titled Pam Andersen’s Kick the Bucket campaign will attempt to boycott KFC until they agree on better preparation procedures.

Now, this complaint may just become hot air –in the Philippines food preparation is maybe ten times worse and no one does a damn thing about it. But I think it is the responsibility of these big companies to ensure these types of problems don’t happen. They specialize in food; they should –by all means– do everything over the boat. After all, a better public image will always be met by better sales.

Other than that, I think Colonel Sanders is turning in his grave.

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